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⬆7. 1. 5 Der Mond unserer Erde

7.1.5 Der Mond


1 Der Mond unserer Erde
en The moon of our earth
fr La lune de notre terre


2 Der Mond hat einen ähnlichen Kern wie die Erde
en Moon revealed to have an Earth-like core

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
      50 x 50 Pixel
Moon revealed to have an Earth-like core
Mond Kern
      868 x 866 Pixel

Quelle / Source:


3 en What would happen to Earth's Climate and Weather if we had no Moon?

Watts UP With That? (Antony Watts)
2019-02-15 en What would happen to Earth's Climate and Weather if we had no Moon?

A provocative hypothetical question:

What if the Moon was not there?

This giant rock lights up the night and can even change colors.

So what would we do without it?
Would we all need night vision goggles?
How would it affect the ocean tides? Our seasons?
Or our sleep cycles? Or would the consequences be far more drastic?

As the closest celestial body to our planet, the moon exerts a gravitational pull that governs much of what happens here on Earth Take the sea, for example.

If you like surfing, you can thank the moon when the moon's gravitational pull tugs on our spinning Earth, the oceans respond, giving us high tides in some parts of the world, and low tides elsewhere.

The Earth would speed up it's rotation,

giving us days of six to eight hours long

Rotating at that speed, we would experience

winds up to 480 kms per hour (300 mph).

Birds and insects would have no chance of survival.

Earth''s axial plane would vary by some 10 degrees, causing dramatic shifts in seasons, and

rendering our climate uninhabitable.

Most crops would die with the drastic temperature changes.

We'd experience the worst ice ages known to man, as huge glaciers from the north and south poles would encroach upon the Earth, covering everything except perhaps a small band along the equator.

The moon - it can appear full, shining like a beacon in the night or just a sliver of a nightlight. Still, it's always there.

But what if we didn't have a moon?

Here's the top five things we would miss without it.

  1. Nights would be much, much darker.

    The next brightest object in the night sky is Venus - but it still wouldn't be enough to light up the sky - a full moon is nearly two thousand times brighter than Venus is at its brightest.

  2. Without the moon, a day on earth would only last six to twelve hours.

    There could be more than a thousand days in one year!

    That's because the earth's rotation slows down over time thanks to the gravitational force - or pull of the moon - and without it, days would go by in a blink.

  3. A moonless earth would also change the size of ocean tides - making them about one-third as high as they are now.

  4. Forget about seeing any lunar eclipses - or any solar eclipses - without the moon, there would be nothing to block the sun.

  5. Without a moon the tilt of our earth's axis would vary over time.

    This could create some very wild weather.

    Right now, thanks to our moon, our axis stays tilted at twenty-three point five degrees.

    But without the moon the earth might tilt too far over or hardly tilt at all

    leading to no seasons or even extreme seasons.

Without the moon helping to keep the earth on a steady tilt, scientists have even imagined that life on earth may not have evolved the way we know it.

So the next time you look up at the night sky, realize that the moon is making life here on earth shine bright.


4 en Gezeitenkräfte durch den Mond


4 Videos


a Wann und wie ist unser Mond entstanden?


b Ebbe & Flut: Was haben die Gezeiten mit dem Mond zu tun?


c Spektrum: Vollständiges Vortragsprogramm


d The Super Moon of May 2012


e Warum zieht der Vollmond die Wolken an?

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
      50 x 50 Pixel
Mond Regen
      807 x 705 Pixel

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
      50 x 50 Pixel
Mond Sonne
      721 x 328 Pixel


f Phase of the moon affects amount of rainfall

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
      50 x 50 Pixel
      327 x 360 Pixel

Satellite data over the tropics, between 10 degrees S and 10 degrees N, shows a slight dip in rainfall when the moon is directly overhead or underfoot.

The top panel shows the air pressure, the middle shows the rate of change in air pressure, and the bottom shows the rainfall difference from the average.

The change is 0.78 micrometers, or less than one ten thousandth of an inch, per hour.

Quelle / Source:


g So sieht der Mond auf der dunklen Seite aus