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Neue Kälteperiode Auswirkungen der Kälteperiode auf die Nahrung |
New Cold Period Impact of the cold period on food |
Nouvelle periode froide Impacte de la période froide sur l'alimentation |
For the second time in little over a year, it looks as though the world may be heading for a serious food crisis, thanks to our old friend "climate change".
In many parts of the world recently the weather has not been too brilliant for farmers.
After a fearsomely cold winter, June brought heavy snowfall across large parts of western Canada and the northern states of the American Midwest.
In Manitoba last week, it was -4ºC.
North Dakota had its first June snow for 60 years.
There was midsummer snow not just in Norway and the Cairngorms, but even in Saudi Arabia.
At least in the southern hemisphere it is winter, but snowfalls in New Zealand and Australia have been abnormal.
There have been frosts in Brazil, elsewhere in South America they have had prolonged droughts, while in China they have had to cope with abnormal rain and freak hailstorms, which in one province killed 20 people.
In Canada and northern America summer planting of corn and soybeans has been way behind schedule, with the prospect of reduced yields and lower quality.
Grain stocks are predicted to be down 15 per cent next year.
US reserves of soya - used in animal feed and in many processed foods - are expected to fall to a 32-year low.
In China, the world's largest wheat grower, they have been battling against the atrocious weather to bring in the harvest.
(In one province they even fired chemical shells into the clouds to turn freezing hailstones into rain.)
In north-west China drought has devastated crops with a plague of pests and blight. In countries such as Argentina and Brazil droughts have caused such havoc that a veteran US grain expert said last week:
"In 43 years I've never seen anything like the decline we're looking at in South America."
In Europe, the weather has been a factor in well-below average predicted crop yields in eastern Europe and Ukraine.
In Britain this year's oilseed rape crop is likely to be 30 per cent below its 2008 level.
And although it may be too early to predict a repeat of last year's food shortage, which provoked riots from west Africa to Egypt and Yemen, it seems possible that world food stocks may next year again be under severe strain, threatening to repeat the steep rises which, in 2008, saw prices double what they had been two years before.
There are obviously various reasons for this concern as to whether the world can continue to feed itself, but one of them is undoubtedly the downturn in world temperatures, which has brought more cold and snow since 2007 than we have known for decades.
Three factors are vital to crops: the light and warmth of the sun, adequate rainfall and the carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis.
As we are constantly reminded, we still have plenty of that nasty, polluting CO2, which the politicians are so keen to get rid of.
But there is not much they can do about the sunshine or the rainfall.
It is now more than 200 years since the great astronomer William Herschel observed a correlation between wheat prices and sunspots.
When the latter were few in number, he noted, the climate turned colder and drier, crop yields fell and wheat prices rose.
In the past two years, sunspot activity has dropped to its lowest point for a century. One of our biggest worries is that our politicians are so fixated on the idea that CO2 is causing global warming that most of them haven't noticed that the problem may be that the world is not warming but cooling, with all the implications that has for whether we get enough to eat.
It is appropriate that another contributory factor to the world's food shortage should be the millions of acres of farmland now being switched from food crops to biofuels, to stop the world warming.
Last year even the experts of the European Commission admitted that, to meet the EU's biofuel targets, we will eventually need almost all the food-growing land in Europe.
But that didn't persuade them to change their policy.
They would rather we starved than did that.
And the EU, we must always remember, is now our government - the one most of us didn't vote for last week.
The amount and distribution of solar energy that we receive varies as the Earth revolves around the Sun and also in response to changes in the Sun's activity.
Scientists have now been studying solar influences on climate for 5000 years.
Chinese imperial astronomers kept detailed sunspot records. They noticed that more sunspots meant warmer weather on Earth.
In 1801, the celebrated astronomer William Herschel noticed that when there were few spots, the price of wheat soared - because, he surmised, less "light and heat" from the Sun resulted in reduced harvests.
The price of wheat soared! As I've been sayingall along, I fear that we'll be fighting in the streets for food long before we're covered by ice.
Between 1645 and 1715, sunspots were very rare and temperatures were low.
Then sunspot frequency grew until, between 1930 and 2000, the Sun was more active than at almost any time in the last 10,000 years.
The oceans can cause up to several decades of delay before air temperatures respond fully to this solar "Grand Maximum.
Now that the Sun is becoming less active again, global temperatures have fallen for seven years.
The approach was based on the following:
The database of professor Rogers (1887), which includes wheat prices in England in the Middle Ages, was used to search for a possible influence of solar activity on the wheat market.
Watts Up With That? (Antony Watts)
2014-10-11 en
Agricultural Losses in 2014 due to Cold Temperatures
Early frost events, below normal temperatures and snows across the globe are starting to reduce agricultural yields.
Cooling temperatures and reduced sunspot counts are easy data points to find, so to match results,
I have recorded early frost events, below normal temperatures and snows across the globe are starting to reduce agricultural yields.
2014-10-09 en
Agricultural Losses 2014 from Cold Temperatures
Early frost events, below normal temperatures and snows across the globe are starting to reduce agricultural yields. Here are some events from Sept-Oct 2014. Australia, Algeria, USA, Canada, China, South Africa.
Das neue solare Minimum hat begonnen. Kommt jetzt eine neue Kleine Eiszeit? Das folgende Video diskutiert, wie Chinas Landwirtschaftsstrategie aussehen könnte:
2015-03-23 en
China's Food Production Strategy for the New Grand Solar Minimum
China's Food Production Strategy for the New Grand Solar Minimum.
What is their Knowledge of Solar Minimums and Climate Change since trading for 2000+ years to faraway destinations?
Do they know what the climate in Africa will change to this solar minimum and is why they are investing so heavily in N.Africa for future food production areas?
Land Grabbing
Basler Zeitung
2016-03-10 de
Hier machte es bei Markus Ritter klick
Wissen Sie, was «Land Grabbing» bedeutet?
Für den obersten Schweizer Bauern war dies der Start für die Ernährungs-Initiative - wegen eines hohen Besuchs aus China.
Für den Bauernverbandspräsidenten ist klar, dass für die Versorgung der Schweizer Bevölkerung mit einheimischen Produkten viel Land gebraucht wird.
Die Schweiz sei jetzt nur noch zu 50 Prozent selbstversorgend, und es werde immer weniger.
Das chinesische Land Grabbing als Inspiration für die Initiative
Ritter vergleicht die Reduzierung von Kulturland in der Schweiz in seiner Argumentation mit dem Land Grabbing: dem grossflächigen Aufkaufen von Land in Schwellen- und Drittweltländern durch finanziell starke Staaten, vor allem in Afrika und in Asien.
«Das Land Grabbing zeigt, dass sich viele Staaten auf der ganzen Welt bewusst sind, dass die Versorgung ihrer Bevölkerung mittel- und langfristig mit dem eigenen Kulturland nicht gesichert ist», sagt Ritter.
In den kommenden 20 Jahren würde es in weiten Teilen der Erde zu einem «Engpass in der Ernährungssicherheit» kommen.
Es sei wichtig, dass die Versorgung der Schweizer Bevölkerung für die Zukunft gesichert werde: «Das geht nur, wenn der Verlust von Kulturland deutlich reduziert wird.
Andernfalls ist in 200 Jahren die ganze Schweiz vom Bodensee bis zum Genfersee verbaut.»
Besonders bekannt für das Land Grabbing sind die Chinesen. Schon seit mehreren Jahren kauft sich das Land systematisch in afrikanische Farmen, beispielsweise in Moçambique, ein und bringt zur Bewirtschaftung nicht selten gleich noch chinesische Bauern mit.
Es sind denn auch die Chinesen, die Ritter und die anderen Initianten für diese Initiative inspiriert haben.
Während eines Besuchs des chinesischen Ministerpräsidenten Li Keqiang, unter anderem auf einem Hof eines Mitglieds des Bauernverbands, sei die Idee entstanden, sagt Ritter.
Über 220 Millionen Hektaren wurden in Drittweltländern gekauft
Land Grabbing wird mittlerweile von vielen Staaten oder auch privaten Investoren getätigt. Japan, Südkorea und China bezwecken damit vor allem, sicherstellen zu können, ihre Bevölkerung ausreichend zu ernähren.
Golfstaaten wie Katar oder Saudiarabien haben das gleiche Ziel vor Augen, doch verschiedene Bedingungen.
Wegen der Wüstenlandschaften ist der landwirtschaftliche Anbau in ihren Ländern schwierig.
Durch den Ankauf von Land in fruchtbareren Regionen wollen sie vor allem unabhängiger werden.
2016-01-24 en
Taipei, Taiwan Snow for the First Time in 80 Years at 23 N Latitude
Mini Ice Age 2015-2035
Taipei Snow for the First Time in 80 Years at 23 North Latitude For the first time in 80 years it has snowed in Taipei City, Taiwan.
Highways across the country are shut and temperatures dipped below freezing.
Hong Kong is also at 36F this is at 23N. Massive cold surge sweeps Asia in January up to 50F below normal temperatures.
2016-02-01 en
First Ever Recorded Snow 300km south of Hanoi Vietnam 18°N Latitude
Snows blanketed Vietnam and Laos the last week of January 2016 breaking hundreds of cold and snow records.
SaPa farmers at total crop losses, 9000+ cattle froze to death and Nghe An recorded its first snowfall ever with records stretching back to 1650.
Quellen / Sources
Oil Seed Crops (David DuByne)
Mini Ice Age 2015-2035
2016-01-01 en
2016-2019 Grand Solar Minimum Global Cooling Forecast
Using an overlapping set of data points including Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Atlantic Multi Decadal Oscillation (AMO) Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), and Solar Cycles
I show the Earths climate will cool significantly beginning 2017.
2015-12-15 en
Changes in Clouds Worldwide Now Affecting Earth's
Temperatures - Mini Ice Age 2015-2035
Svensmark's "The Cloud Mystery" demonstrates that when a grand solar minimum starts the weakened magnetosphere on our Earth allows more galactic cosmic rays in which create more low clouds, which in turn lead to more floods, snows, winds and other weather effects.
We are beginning to see that now, so I synthesized all of the cloud data I could find to show this effect of low cloud formation is indeed happening.
2015-06-12 en
A New Grand Solar Minimum Has Begun Are You Ready to Thrive
With the new solar minimum upon our planet, think about prosperity and thriving with your communities during this next 30 years.
Life will change for billions of people on our planet.
Adapt 2030 brings you barely reported cold weather events across ur planet so you can prepare for this new cold era and keep abreast of food prices and solutions for our new era of existence.
2015-07-14 en
60% Reduction in Solar Activity Means a 5C Drop by 2030 | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 (85)
60% Reduction in Solar Activity by 2030, What to Expect The Sun is Going to Sleep (Suspicious Observers)
2015-07-27 en
Solar Wind Decrease, 2nd Confirmation of 2030 Mini Ice Age
Second Confirmation the Sun is Reducing Output and where the cold spots will be upon Earth.
2015-04-28 en
Nova Scotia Agriculture Decimated, Insurers Reel From Cold Claims
Nova Scotia Agriculture Decimated Insurers Reel From Cold Claims
2015-04-24 en
Delayed Crop Planting, Volcanic Cycles & -20F in Maine
Smoke and ash rise from the Calbuco volcano as seen from the city of Puerto Montt
2015-03-20 en
Nova Scotia Salmon Aquaculture Kill Off
Salmon die from super chilled waters in aquaculture facilities, another break in the foods supply chain due to cold temperatures in 2014-2015.
2015-01-08 en
Saudia Arabia Freezes & Panic Grain Buying in Russia
Cold Wave to Lash Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with Snow & Wind: Saudi Arabia warning to wear clothes Bitterly cold weather accompanied by wind, sub-zero temperatures and snow is expected to hit the KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) on Wednesday and last until Sunday, the Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection (PME) said on Monday.
Middle East Eye
2016-01-28 en
Snow falls in Kuwait for 'first time ever'
Temperatures in Kuwait soar up to 50C in the summer months and even in winter 20C is the norm. However, on Thursday the temperature was as low as 3C.
There is no record of snow having fallen in Kuwait before, although the emirate has experienced hail and frost in the past when temperatures have fallen in the winter.
A Kuwaiti told MEE that Thursday's snow was a first for the country.
"I asked my grandfather, he said there has never been snow before," they said, preferring to remain anonymous. "Everyone is surprised."
While snow is unheard of in Kuwait, in neighbouring Saudi Arabia the north of the country regularly sees snowfall.
In the city of Rafha on Thursday temperatures fell to -2C. Photos and footage sent to MEE showed the ground covered in snow.
2016-01-25 en
It's officially Snow Day in Northern Vietnam right now,
with a massive cold blast hitting that part of the country and
giving some regions their first ever taste of snow.
Confused locals and tourists alike have been getting out into the winter wonderland and enjoying the cold, wet, white substance known as snow.
Life of Guangzhou
2016-01-25 en
Snow in Guangzhou - for the First Time in 88 Years
Guangzhou residents were excited Sunday to observe snow falling in their subtropical city for the first time in 88 years.
Even if the flakes were small and the snow didn't really stick, people were out in force taking photos of this rare phenomenon.
Nippon Television Network
2016-01-24 en
Okinawa's main island in southwestern Japan gets its first snowfall on record.
2016-01-21 en
Top 10 snowiest major cities around the world
2016-01-25 en
Hanoi shivering with coldest spell in nearly four decades
The capital city of Vietnam has experienced the most frigid weather after almost 40 years, with temperatures way lower than expected, local meteorologists said.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, the lowest temperature in Hanoi had been estimated at 8-9 degrees Celsius but a huge cold snap currently hitting the northern region caused it to plunge to 5.4 degrees Celsius on Sunday at 9:00 am.
This is the lowest point since January 31, 1977.
Free Republic
2016-01-26 en
The snowfall total in Moscow beats 50 years record
A record amount of snow has fallen this January in Moscow.
"An analysis of our last 50 years' records allows us to say that this January is the most snowy since the January of 1970
with its 100 cm of snow (39 3/8 inches).
This January's total snowfall has already risen to 104 cm (41 inch) and the month isn't over yet, so the total can grow more.
The 50 years average is 40-45 cm (15 3/4-17 5/7 inches)".
Global Times
2016-01-24 en
China copes with worst cold in decades
China has geared up to cope with the winter's coldest weekend as the worst cold front in decades sweeps across the country.
The national observatory raised the weather warning level from yellow to orange on Saturday morning.
According to the National Meteorological Center (NMC), temperatures dropped 6 to 10 degrees Celsius on Saturday morning in parts of northwest China, north China and the Huanghuai area.
China has a four-tier warning system for severe weather, with red being the most serious, followed by orange, yellow and blue.
In Beijing, temperatures dropped to under minus 10 degrees Celsius on Friday and will hit a 30-year low of minus 16 degrees Celsius from Saturday through Sunday, the Beijing meteorological station said.
The maximum load of Beijing's power grid system reached about 16.96 million kilowatts at 5:54 pm on Friday, setting a record for the capital's winter power supply in recent years.
A total of 465 emergency repair vehicles and 15 emergency generator wagons allocated by Beijing Electric Power Corporation are ready to help with any power supply problems.
The downtown of southwest China's Chongqing Municipality braced for its first snow since 1996 from Friday night to Saturday morning.
The "super cold wave" brought sleet and heavy snow to southwest China's Sichuan Province from Friday night to Saturday morning, disrupting parts of the province's power supply system.
The power supply of more than 300,000 households in Sichuan has been affected, and local power companies are racing to repair the paralyzed grid system.
The NMC also expects temperatures in South and Southeast China to drop by 6 to 10 degrees Celsius from Saturday to Monday. Temperatures in central and eastern regions of China were 6 to 8 degrees Celsius lower than the average historical level.
Temperatures in parts of Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong are forecast to approach or even drop below the lowest levels on record, it said.
As of Saturday noon, a total of 493,600 people in Zhejiang Province had been affected by the cold weather, while 31,852 people had been relocated.
About 5,500 hectares of farmland in Zhejiang have been damaged and seven homes had collapsed, resulting in direct economic losses of about 40.13 million yuan (6.1 million US dollars), the provincial civil affairs department said.
The department so far has provided assistance to 3,565 people and ordered personnel to visit more than 2,280 nursing homes across the province. The department also sent personnel to patrol the streets to help the homeless
In east China's Anhui Province, traffic was disrupted by the snow. Several highways saw different sections closed as of Saturday morning, while long-distance coach service from Wuhu City was suspended.
In neighboring Jiangxi Province, the provincial fishery department ordered local authorities to help the endangered finless porpoise survive the harsh weather. According to weather forecasts, the province will experience the coldest weather since 1992 from Saturday to Tuesday, which could threaten the porpoise.
Special personnel were sent to feed the animals and patrol the Yangtze River to quickly identify porpoises that need help.
The cold air has also brought trouble to China's coastal areas.
Due to freezing weather, sea ice coverage in the north of Liaodong Gulf almost doubled within 10 days to 12,415 square kilometers. The size is 7,650 square kilometers larger than last year.
Liaoning maritime authorities issued a warning on Friday urging those involved in fishing, drilling and shipping in the sea to pay attention to changes in weather and ice and take precautionary measures.
The southernmost island province of Hainan did not escape the weather. Severe cold air caused strong winds to howl across the Qiongzhou Strait. Ferry services across the strait between Hainan and the mainland were suspended on Saturday, according to the Haikou Maritime Safety Administration.
As the world has seen over the last 15 years, solar panels and wind turbines for grid scale power have limits due to the lack of continuous wind or sunlight.
These renewable energy sources are great for developed economies with 24/7 electricity availability as an-add in electrical source, but what about Myanmar which is beginning to establish a power grid from 1960's infrastructure to develop into our modern 21st century world? Editors Personal Article.
2013-06-06 en Geothermal Resources of Myanmar Overview
Myanmar is one of the countries with numerous geothermal resources that could be represented as an additional source of energy to fulfill its future energy requirements.
Hot springs are found in Kachin State, Shan State, Kayah State, the Southern Part of Rakhine State in Kyaukphyu, Central Myanmar Area, Shwebo Monywa Area and especially in Mon State and Taninthayi Division.
A total of 93 hot springs have so far been recorded and identified.
China's Shale Gas
2014-10-25 en China's Shale Gas Development 2014-2034
China's first tier (good) shale gas acreages overlap with existing conventional gas blocks owned by China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and Sinopec.
The recent announcement of Sinopec's "big find" in its Fuling shale gas Block 3 is potentially the beginning of a new phase.
To date, PetroChina has formed a joint venture with (Yibin City Holding and Beijing Guolian Energy Investment Fund) in Sichuan to explore a ChangNing shale gas block.