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Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Biosphäre der Erde Auswirkungen auf die Lebewelt |
Impacts of Climate Change Biosphere Impacts on the World of Life |
Conséquences du changement climatique Biosphère Impacts sur la vie terrestre |
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⇧ 2019
Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change
Idso, C.D., Legates, D. and Singer, S.F.
2019 en
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels -
5 Environmental Benefits
5.6 Conclusion
Combustion of fossil fuels has helped and will continue to help plants and animals thrive leading to shrinking deserts, expanded habitat for wildlife, and greater biodiversity.
Many of the scholars and advocates who write about climate change are either unfamiliar with or overlook the environmental benefits created by human use of fossil fuels.
Chemists and biologists should know better:
Fossil fuels are composed mainly of hydrogen and carbon atoms, two of the most abundant elements found in nature.
They are not "pollutants" but share a common chemical basis with all of life on Earth.
Geologists should know better, too.
The global carbon cycle acts to buffer the impact of man-made carbon dioxide (CO₂) by including it in exchange processes among carbon reservoirs that are huge compared to the human contribution.
The size of the human contribution to atmospheric CO₂ concentrations is so small it may be less than the margin of error in measurements of known exchange rates among carbon reservoirs.
Geologists ought to realize that current atmospheric CO₂ levels are not unprecedented and indeed are low when considered over geologic time scales.
Because CO₂ is essential to plant and animal life, it is possible human use of fossil fuels may avert an ecological disaster.
Fossil fuels directly benefit the environment by making possible huge (orders of magnitude) advances in efficiency, making it possible to meet human needs while using fewer natural resources.
Fossil fuels make it possible for humanity to flourish while still preserving much of the land needed by wildlife to survive.
And the prosperity made possible by fossil fuels has made environmental protection both highly valued and financially possible, producing a world that is cleaner and safer than it would have been in their absence.
This chapter also finds the CO₂ released when fossil fuels are burned improves the productivity of ecosystems and has a positive effect on plant characteristics, including rates of photosynthesis and biomass production and the efficiency with which plants utilize water.
Atmospheric CO₂ enrichment ameliorates the negative effects of a number of environmental plant stresses including high temperatures, air and soil pollutants, herbivory, nitrogen deprivation, and high levels of soil salinity.
With the help of the ongoing rise in the air's CO₂ content, humankind should be able to meet the food needs of a growing population without occupying much of the land needed by wildlife to survive.
Although there likely will be some changes in terrestrial animal population dynamics, few (if any) will be driven even close to extinction.
In a number of instances, real-world data indicate warmer temperatures and higher atmospheric CO₂ concentrations will be beneficial, favoring a proliferation of terrestrial species.
Similarly, many laboratory and field studies of aquatic life demonstrate tolerance, adaptation, and even growth and developmental improvements in response to higher temperatures and reduced water pH levels.
When these observations are considered, the pessimistic projections of the IPCC give way to considerable optimism with respect to the future of the planet's terrestrial and marine life.
⇧ 2010
20 Minutes
2010-10-12 fr
L'Amazonie, une richesse naturelle ŕ préserver
Une nouvelle espčce y est découverte tous les trois jours...
La foręt amazonienne, un symbole de la lutte contre la déforestation.
Ce mardi, le WWF présente ŕ Nagoya, dans le cadre de la conférence internationale sur la biodiversité,
un rapport selon lequel une nouvelle espčce est découverte en moyenne tous les trois jours en Amazonie.
Entre 1999 et 2009, plus de 1.200 nouvelles espčces ont été identifiées dans cette région du monde,
selon le rapport «L'Amazonie vivante»:
637 plantes, 257 poissons, 216 amphibiens, 55 reptiles, 16 oiseaux et 39 mammifčres.
Klimaskeptiker Info
2010-09-30 de
Von der wundersamen Auferstehung ausgestorbener Arten
(Seite gelöscht, kein Wayback)
Das Artenstreben macht mal wieder die Runde.
Erstaunlicherweise aber einmal anders rum:
Vermeintlich ausgestorbene Tiere leben noch.
Immer wieder tauchen "ausgestorbene Arten" auf, was nicht im geringsten verwunderlich ist.
Weltweit sind wahrscheinlich viel weniger Säugetiere ausgestorben als befürchtet.
Mehr als ein Drittel der seit seit dem Jahr 1500 ausgestorben geglaubten Arten seien wiederentdeckt worden, berichten zwei Forscher der australischen Universität von Queensland in der Fachzeitschrift "Proceedings of the Royal Society B".
Insgesamt seien 67 der 187 zunächst als ausgestorbenen erklärten oder lange nicht gesichteten Tiere wieder aufgetaucht.
Abgesehen davon, dass 99,9% aller jemals auf diesem Planeten existierende Arten bereits lange vor der frevelhaften Umweltzerstörung durch den modernen Menschen ausgestorben sind,
entspringen sämtliche "Berichte" rund um ausgestorbene Arten der "Fantasie" ihrer Ersteller.
Niemand kann einen Beweis für das Aussterben des in meinem Garten heimischen unsichtbaren rosaroten Einhorns erbringen - und genau so verhält es sich mit allen anderen Arten auf unserem Globus.
⇧ 2009
Allan Savory
2009-11-07 en
Keeping Cattle: cause or cure for climate crisis?
Allan Savory argued that while livestock may be part of the problem, they can also be an important part of the solution.
He has demonstrated time and again in Africa, Australia and North and South America that, properly managed, they are essential to land restoration.
With the right techniques, plant growth is lusher, the water table is higher, wildlife thrives, soil carbon increases and, surprisingly, perhaps four times as many cattle can be kept.
Feasta - The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability
Keeping Cattle: cause or cure for climate crisis?
View a 10-minute extract from Allan Savory's talk which summarizes his
ideas about using livestock to improve land:
View the full lecture (60 mins)
Watts Up With That? (Antony Watts)
2013-03-08 en
A bridge in the climate debate - How to green the world's deserts and
reverse climate change
Imagine, shooting 40,000 elephants to prevent the land in Africa from going to desert because scientists thought the land couldn't sustain them, only to find the effort was for naught and the idea as to why was totally wrong. That alone was a real eye opener.
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biodiversität 2010
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biodiversität 2010
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biodiversity 2010
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biodiversity 2010
de Aus der Panik-Küche en From the panic laboratory fr De la marmite des alarmistes
20 Minutes
2010-10-27 fr
Peut-on parler de biodiversité sans parler de climat?
A Nagoya (Japon), on parle de biodiversité en essayant de faire mieux qu'ŕ Copenhague sur le climat.
A Calvi (Corse), oů le Festival du vent s'ouvre mercredi 27 octobre
pour cinq jours,
on relie naturellement les deux sujets.
Alors que les scientifiques estiment que la perte de biodiversité serait exacerbée de 20 ŕ 30% par le réchauffement climatique, l'échec des négociations sur le climat en décembre dernier pourrait bien compromettre les engagements qui seront potentiellement pris au Japon d'ici ŕ la fin de la semaine pour freiner l'érosion de la biodiversité.
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Energie: Erneuerbar Bioenergie |
Energy: Renewable Bio Energy |
Énergie: Renouvelable Énergie biologique |