Attacks September 11, 2001 in the United States
Extract with main videos
from "Themen":
Attacks September 11, 2001 in the United States
The final report was a unanimous report.
That means that if there is single commissionaire who had any
objection about anything that fact would be dropped from the report.
"... to present this report without dissent" = unanimous report
Chronologie (timeline)
Official version
Conspiracy theories
World Trade Center 1 and 2 (Twin Towers)
WTC 1: North Tower, 417m plus Antenna = 512m
WTC 2: South Tower, 415m
How the planes hit the towers:
Controlled demolition
Power down during week-end:
Explosionen (explosions)
William Rodriguez
Rudy Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani has been caught in a bizarre lie about WTC 7,
in which he claims the building collapsed in stages over a
sustained period of time, when in reality the structure fell
in under seven seconds. Giuliani also reveals that he expected
the twin towers to collapse but "not in the way they did."
Senator John Kerry
At a recent speaking engagement in Austin Texas, Senator John Kerry
responded to a question about WTC Building 7 by concluding that
according to his information, the building was brought down as a
result of a controlled demolition, directly contradicting the
official line that the structure fell as a result of fire and
debris damage.
WTC 7 - World Trade Center Building 7 (Salomon Building)
WTC 7: 47 Floors, Steel Frame
7 World Trade Center (WTC 7)
was the third skyscraper to be reduced to rubble on
September 11, 2001 at 5:20 p.m.
According to the government, fires, primarily,
leveled this building, but fires have never before or since destroyed a
steel skyscraper.
The team that investigated the collapse were kept away from the crime
scene. By the time they published their inconclusive report in May, 2002,
the evidence had been destroyed.
Kontrollierter Abbruch (Controled demolition (démolition controlée)
Larry Silverstein:
Morgan Reynolds:
BBC Video
CNN Announces WTC7 Collapse Too Early
Collapse Foreseen - NBC
U.S. Media Is Hiding WTC 7
US Government Destroyed the WTC Evidence:
Despite the protests of the victims' families as well as many
scientists and engineers, Rudy Giuliani's administration worked
hand in hand with the Bush Administration to immediately ship the
200 thousand tons of twisted, melted, demolished World Trade Center
steel off to India and China to be recycled as scrap before anyone had
a chance to do a forensic examination of it. This is not what normally
happens to evidence in a crime scene, and is a clear indication of the
Guiliani Administration and the Bush Administration's involvement in
the crimes of 9/11.
Pentagon: Headquarters of the United States Department of Defense
en The deepest penetration of a Boeing
The Pentagon building

Can you explain what happened to the wings of the aircraft and why
they caused no damage?
At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive
September 11th Flights
3 of 4 Hijacked Planes encounter no resistance
Four jetliners carrying over 250 people disappeared in the melee
of September 11th.
Each aircraft was supposedly hijacked by a team
of four or five Arab men armed with "boxcutters".
Each of the flights traveled hundreds of miles over the
Northeast Corridor after the alleged hijackings without
encountering resistance from the air defense network.
American Airlines Flight 11
from Boston to Los Angeles
American Airlines Flight 11 is the plane that hit the World Trade
Center's North Tower.
It was a Boeing 767-223ER on a scheduled flight from Boston to Los
Angeles, with 81 passengers, nine flight attendants, and two pilots.
United Airlines Flight 175
from Boston to Los Angeles
United Airlines Flight 175 is believed to be the plane that hit the
World Trade Center's South Tower.
It was a Boeing 767-222 on a scheduled flight from Boston to Los
Angeles, with 56 passengers, 7 flight attendants, and 2 pilots.
American Airlines Flight 77
from Dulles to Los Angeles
American Airlines Flight 77 is the plane that is commonly believed
to have crashed into the Pentagon.
It was a Boeing 757-223 on a scheduled flight from Dulles to Los
Angeles, with 58 passengers, four flight attendants, and two pilots.
United Airlines Flight 93
from Newark to San Francisco
United Airlines Flight 93 was the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania,
short of its alleged target, the Capital.
The widespread debris field from the crash, together with
eyewitness reports, strongly suggest that the jetliner was shot
down by a missile fired by a pursuing jet.
Flight 93 was a Boeing 757-200 on a scheduled flight from Newark
to San Francisco, with 38 passengers, five flight attendants, and
two pilots.
flight |
origin |
target |
takeoff |
takeover |
reported |
crash |
Flight 11
Boston |
Manhattan |
7:59 |
8:20 |
8:38 |
8:46 |
Flight 175
Boston |
Manhattan |
8:14 |
8:42 |
8:43 |
9:03 |
Flight 77
Dulles |
Washington, DC |
8:20 |
8:46 |
9:25 |
9:38 ? |
Flight 93
Newark |
Washington, DC ? |
8:42 |
9:40 |
-- |
10:06 |
flight |
aircraft |
capacity |
passengers |
hijackers |
crew |
Flight 11 |
Boeing 767-223ER |
158 |
76 |
5 |
11 |
Flight 175 |
Boeing 767-222 |
166 |
46 |
5 |
9 |
Flight 77 |
Boeing 757-223 |
188 |
50 |
5 |
6 |
Flight 93 |
Boeing 757-223 |
182 |
26 |
4 |
7 |
Pr. Dr. David Ray Griffin
Professor emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology
Jimmy Walter
University of Wisconsin Professor Kevin Barrett
911 Report
NIST Report
Weitere Aktionen (further actions)