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Skeptische Presse
de Er war eingeladen, und die Veranstalter reklamieren, ihm ein gutes Honorar geboten zu haben: 200.000 US-Dollar. Doch er schlug es aus, zog den Auftritt bei einer anderen Veranstaltung vor.
Dort ohne Honorar, vor allem aber ohne schwierige Diskussionen. Al Gore, so klagen prominente "Klimaskeptiker" seit langem über den ehemaligen US-Vizepräsidenten, scheut die streitbare Auseinandersetzung über sein Lieblingsthema: die in seinen Augen katastrophale, von Menschen gemachte Erderwärmung, die er in einem Buch und einem Oscargekrönten Film an die Wand malt.
Und so musste auch die kritische Klimakonferenz in New York in der vergangenen Woche ohne den Friedensnobelpreisträger und prominentesten Warner vor dem Hitzetod unseres Planeten stattfinden.
Der Tenor der Tagung, das Klima sei kaum vom Menschen beeinflusst, wurde dargestellt in 100 Fachvorträgen. Weit stärker als das Treibhausgas CO2 beeinflusse die Sonne das atmosphärische Geschehen.
Das Motto der dreitägigen Konferenz lautete: "Hört ihr uns endlich? Die globale Erwärmung ist keine Krise!"
Welt Online
2008-03-11 de
Klimakatastrophe - alles nur heiße Luft
NZZ Online
NZZ Online:
John Stewart Coleman |
Founder of The Weather Channel, Chief Meteorologist of KUSI-TV in San Diego |
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John Stewart Coleman *1934-10-15 †2018-01-20 |
Founder of The Weather Channel, Chief Meteorologist of KUSI-TV in San Diego ▶John Stewart Coleman: Who is who (Skeptiker) ▶John Stewart Coleman: Video (Präsentationen) |
The future of our civilization lies in the balance.
According to Mr. Gore the polar ice caps will collapse and melt and sea levels will rise 20 feet inundating the coastal cities making 100 million of us refugees. Vice President Gore tells us numerous Pacific islands will be totally submerged and uninhabitable. He tells us global warming will disrupt the circulation of the ocean waters, dramatically changing climates, throwing the world food supply into chaos. He tells us global warming will turn hurricanes into super storms, produce droughts, wipe out the polar bears and result in bleaching of coral reefs. He tells us tropical diseases will spread to mid latitudes and heat waves will kill tens of thousands. He preaches to us that we must change our lives and eliminate fossil fuels or face the dire consequences.
With a preacher's zeal, Mr. Gore sets out to strike terror into us and our children and make us feel we are all complicit in the potential demise of the planet.
Here is my rebuttal
Through all history, Earth has shifted between two basic climate regimes: ice ages and what paleoclimatologists call "Interglacial periods". For the past 10 thousand years the Earth has been in an interglacial period. That might well be called nature's global warming because what happens during an interglacial period is the Earth warms up, the glaciers melt and life flourishes. Clearly from our point of view, an interglacial period is greatly preferred to the deadly rigors of an ice age. Mr. Gore and his crowd would have us believe that the activities of man have overwhelmed nature during this interglacial period and are producing an unprecedented, out of control warming.
Well, it is simply not happening. Worldwide there was a significant natural warming trend in the 1980's and 1990's as a Solar cycle peaked with lots of sunspots and solar flares. That ended in 1998 and now the Sun has gone quiet with fewer and fewer Sun spots, and the global temperatures have gone into decline. Earth has cooled for almost ten straight years. So, I ask Al Gore, where's the global warming?
The cooling trend is so strong that recently the head of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had to acknowledge it. He speculated that nature has temporarily overwhelmed mankind's warming and it may be ten years or so before the warming returns. Oh, really. We are supposed to be in a panic about man-made global warming and the whole thing takes a ten year break because of the lack of Sun spots. If this weren't so serious, it would be laughable.
I love this civilization. I want to do my part to protect it.