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⬆4. 2. 4 Kritik am IPCC

4.2.4 Kritik am IPCC und deren Datenquellen
en Criticize IPCC and their data sources
fr Critique du GIEC et de leurs sources

 ⇨  Manipulation: Manipulation I Manipulation II Manipulation III Kritik an IPCC‑Daten

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      24 x 24 Pixel de en Buch (Icon) 
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1 Allgemein / General

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There is no need for any government action on CO2, global warming or climate change.

But as usual governments are making the situation worse as they waste billions preparing for warming when cooling is the future.

The misdirection is caused by the corrupted science of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change particularly their omission of major solar changes.

A. The Sun They Ignore

B. Sunspots and Cosmic Radiation


2 de "Pannen" im IPCC Bericht

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      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
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3 de Mängel, Behauptungen, Schlampereien


4 Fehlerhafte Temperaturmessungen
en Not reliable temperature measurements
fr Faux mesurages de températures

Lupe (Icon)) 
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Hockey Stick
      350 x 350 Pixe

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Air Conditioning
      350 x 350 Pixel

Just as the Medieval Warm Period was an obstacle to those trying to suggest that today's temperature is exceptional, and the UN and its supporters tried to abolish it with the "Hockeystick" Graph,

the warmer temperatures in the 1930s and 1940s were another inconvenient fact that needed to be "fixed".


a Die wunderbare Welt der Temperaturdaten-Korrekturen: Und plötzlich hatte sich der Trend ins Gegenteil verkehrt...
en New paper blames about half of global warming on weather station data homogenization


b Neue Studie enthüllt: US Wetterbehörde NOAA setzt die Erwärmung der letzten 30 Jahre doppelt so hoch an wie gemessen!
en New study shows half of the global warming in the USA is artificial


c Globale Temperaturen - Erfindung von Daten mit Erwärmung dort, wo es gar keine gibt
en Meshing issues on global temperatures - warming data where there isn't any


d en Surface temperature records: Policy driven deception

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Surface Temperature Records
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Around 1990, NOAA lost more than three-quarters of the climate measuring stations around the world.

It can be shown that country by country, they lost stations with a bias towards higher-latitude, higher-altitude and rural locations, all of which had a tendency to be cooler.

The Climategate whistleblower proved what those of us dealing with data for decades already knew.

The data were not merely degrading in quantity and quality: they were being manipulated.

In absolute terms the 1930s had a much higher frequency of maximum temperature extremes than the 1990s or 2000s or the combination of the last two decades.

The 1930s were, by far, the hottest period for the timeframe.


Temperature adjustments: We were astonished to find that strong adjustments have indeed been made. About half the adjustments actually created a warming trend where none existed; the other half greatly exaggerated existing warming.

"The shocking truth is that the oldest readings have been cranked way down and later readings artificially lifted to give a false impression of warming."

Climategate: The Climategate whistleblower proved what those of us dealing with data for decades already knew. The data were not merely degrading in quantity and quality: they were being manipulated.

The Climategate emails detail efforts to deny access to global temperature data.

Whether or not the homogeneity adjustment is warranted, it has an effect that calls into question just how much the earth has in fact warmed over the past 120-150 years.

There are many iterations of the data sets available from CRU, NOAA and NASA. The differences between them is much greater than the changes over time calling into question our ability to accurately assess climate trends.

HadCRUT (UK): To make an urbanization assessment for all the stations used in the HadCRUT dataset would require suitable meta-data (population, siting, location, instrumentation, etc.) for each station for the whole period since 1850. No such complete meta-data are available.

GISS The GISS sites are defined to be *rural* if the town has a population under 10,000. Unfortunately, the GISS population data are out of date. Stations at cities with populations greatly exceeding 10,000 are incorrectly classified as rural.

NOAA: Before the "adjustment" by NOAA, temperatures in Darwin were falling at 0.7 Celsius per century, but after the homogenization they were rising at 1.2 Celsius per century. The gross upward adjustment was 2 Celsius per century.

NASA: NASA also constantly tampers with the data.

Russia: "It is only when data from the more southerly, warmer locations is used in the interpolation to the vacant grid boxes that an artificial warming is introduced."

Canada: Just one thermometer remains for everything north of the 65th parallel.
That station is Eureka, which has been described as 'The Garden Spot of the Arctic'."

UK: "Far from being warmer due to assumed global warming, comparison of actual temperature data shows that UK summers in the 20th century were cooler than those of two centuries previously."

Eurasia "If we add the inadequacy of the records for Eurasia, it is reasonable to say that we are ignorant of weather and climate north of 55° N in the Northern Hemisphere."

Australia: "These graphs all use the raw GHCN data, and they show virtually no trend in temperatures in Northern Australia in 125 years."


e Links auf dieser Website
en Links on this Website
fr Liens sur ce site web


5 Der 60-Jahre-Klimazyklus widerspricht den IPCC-Interpretationen
en The Sixty-Year Cycle is in contradiction to the IPCC interpretations
fr Le cycle des 60 ans est en contradiction des interprétations du GIEC

Lupe (Icon)) 
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      50 x 50 Pixel Hadley plot stretched vertically to highlight the cycles
Hadley Temp
      535 x 408 Pixel
The cycle length is approximately 62 years, with maxima around 1879, 1942 and 2002, and minima around 1910 and 1972.

Lupe (Icon)) 
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      50 x 50 Pixel AMO anomalies from 1850 to 2009
AMO Anomalies
      649 x 335 Pixel
The AMO cycle is very close to the global temperature cycle in terms of cycle length and occurrence of maxima / minima.

Lupe (Icon)) 
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      50 x 50 Pixel Climate model outputs from the IPCC 2007 AR4 Figure SPM-4
      315 x 248 Pixel
If the climate models cannot reproduce the 60-year cycle that is evident in many climate phenomena, there is clearly a fundamental problem with the models.

Lupe (Icon)) 
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      50 x 50 Pixel Hadley / Met Office data,
superimposed on the models
IPCC Hadley
      465 x 322 Pixel


6 Hansens Prognosen sind nicht eingetroffen - Drei Jahre nach dem "Umkippen"
en Past the tipping point

de Aus der Panik-Küche en From the panic laboratory fr De la marmite des alarmistes


7 en Global Warming: Meltdown


8 Kritik an den IPCC Sachstandsberichten erhärtet


9 Das Buch, aus dem das IPCC abgeschrieben hat


10 Wie der WWF das IPCC unterwandert hat
en How the WWF Infiltrated the IPCC - Part 1

Pfeil nach rechts (Icon)
      120 x 120 Pixel WWF World Wildlife Fund / World Wild Fund for Nature


11 Der Vizepräsident des WWF & der neue Bericht des IPCC
en The WWF Vice President & the New IPCC Report

Pfeil nach rechts (Icon)
      120 x 120 Pixel WWF World Wildlife Fund / World Wild Fund for Nature


12 Das IPCC und seine Verfilzung mit Greenpeace
en Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace

Pfeil nach rechts (Icon)
      120 x 120 Pixel Greenpeace


13 "Weltklimarat" IPCC lässt sich vom Medienkonzern Greenpeace als Sprechpuppe missbrauchen! Energiebericht von Greenpeace verfasst!
en IPCC WG3 and the Greenpeace Karaoke
New IPCC error: renewables report conclusion was dictated by Greenpeace



Quellen / Sources:


de Panik-Küche en Panic laboratory fr Marmite alarmiste



Pfeil nach rechts (Icon)
      120 x 120 Pixel Greenpeace