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⬆2. 2. 6 Armee


2.2.5 Armee
en Army
fr Armée

Politik: GlobalStaatsformWirtschafts-SystemRecht/GerichtOrgan/Bund/Koexistenz/Krieg/KongressWandelBildungSozialFinanz

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de Verzeichnis   en Contents   fr Sommaire

  • Armee: Aktuelle Webseiten (Text)
  • 2022
  • de Massnahmen zur Wiedererlangung der Verteidigungsfähigkeit
    1. Ausgangslage
    2. Der Armeeauftrag - eine klare Doktrin zur Verteidigung und Schutz von Land und Leuten
    3. Die Armee muss wieder verteidigungsfähig werden
    4. Den Personalbestand aufstocken
    5. Die Kampfkraft der Bodentruppen stärken
    6. Land und Leute aus der Luft schützen
    7. Die bewaffnete Neutralität garantieren
    8. Fazit und Forderungen im Überblick
    SVP Positionspapier (2022-06)


de Allgemein   en General   fr Générale


de Text   en Text   fr Texte


1 Armee: Aktuelle Seiten
en Army: Actuel Sites
fr Armée: Sites actuelles

↑ Verzeichnis




Massnahmen zur Wiedererlangung der Verteidigungsfähigkeit


Armee: Länder
en Army: Countries
fr Armée: Pays

↑ Verzeichnis


1 Armee: Schweiz

Mit folgendem Link wird von anderen Webseiten auf diese Seite verwiesen.

▶Schweiz: Landesverteidigung, Armee, Landesversorgung ▶Armee: Schweiz


de Verzeichnis   en Contents   fr Sommaire


de Übersicht   en Overview   fr Vue d'ensemble

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Keine fremden Richter


de Allgemein   en General   fr Générale

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
      50 x 50 Pixel Marmorskulptur Wehrbereitschaft von Hans Brandenberger 1943-1947
      800 x 1337 Pixel
das Original in Bronze war ein Symbol der Landi 1939

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
      50 x 50 Pixel
      640 x 535 Pixel



de Text   en Text   fr Texte




Massnahmen zur Wiedererlangung der Verteidigungsfähigkeit


Putin ernst nehmen

▶Politik der Ukraine

▶Neutralität: Schweiz ▶Schweiz: Neutralität

▶Schweiz: Landesverteidigung, Armee, Landesversorgung ▶Armee: Schweiz


Roger Köppel im Nationalrat: «Wirtschafts-Sanktionen sind eine grausame Waffe»


▶Neutralität: Schweiz ▶Schweiz: Neutralität

▶Schweiz: Landesverteidigung, Armee, Landesversorgung ▶Armee: Schweiz

▶Politik der Ukraine


en «This war has been lost a long time ago»


Colonel Macgregor, could the American missile systems that President Joe Biden wants to deliver become a game changer in the war?

Doug Macgregor:

No. These weapons are not going to have any significant impact whatsoever.


In reaction to the announced deployment of US rocket systems ...


The Russians are simply reinforcing something that they actually made clear from the very beginning of this operation.

If we begin to operate from neighboring NATO states and directly attacking Russian forces in Ukraine, they will view those neighboring states as co-belligerents.

Right now, the state that is the assembly area for the distribution and projection of new equipment and assistance into Ukraine is Poland.

It is not unreasonable for the Russians to say,

"If these things come in from Poland and they actually hit Russia, we will strike Poland."


In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson [on the Fox News Channel], you went further, saying that the U.S. administration "really doesn't want to admit that this war has been lost a long time ago."

When was the war lost, in your view?


I think it was lost mid-to-late March.

The reason is that the Russians had very limited and discrete goals when they began this operation.

First of all, they said they wanted neutrality for Ukraine.

They wanted autonomy for the so-called "Donbas Republics," which are all Russian speaking.

Under that, they wanted equal rights for Russian citizens of Ukraine

to be allowed to speak Russian, to be allowed to live as they see fit.

Then, finally,

recognition that Crimea is legitimately part of Russia.

Those were the three basic goals or objectives.

The Russians made it very clear, from the moment they moved into Ukraine,

that they wanted a negotiated settlement.

When they finally moved in, they did not move along three or four axes where they would concentrate the striking power of their force.

They, in fact, dissipated their combat power.

In other words, along a 500-mile front, they moved in at several different locations

with the goal of avoiding damage to infrastructure, avoiding collateral damage to people, to human beings.

They simply did not want to kill very many people when they went in, and they wanted to give people an opportunity to join them, including Ukrainian forces who didn't want to fight.

That didn't work very well.


Why didn't it work?


Because, as soon as the Russians admitted that they were only entering Ukraine

for the purpose of neutralizing

or destroying the Ukrainian threat to Russia

and that they would withdraw once they arrived at some sort of negotiated settlement,

the majority of Russian speakers (millions of them in Eastern Ukraine) said it's unrealistic for them to join the Russians because, as soon as the Russians were gone, Ukrainian secret police would show up and murder them and their families.

Thus, they were not helping.

All of that was evident by the 16th to the 23rd of March.

It became clear

that the Ukrainians were not negotiating in good faith.

The Russians intelligence network discovered that we (Americans) and our friends in London were urging the Ukrainians

to fight on

and promising Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that we would give him whatever he needed to win.

At the same time, we were creating this fiction

that the Ukrainian forces were actually having great success against the Russians

when, in fact, the Russians were crushing them and there were very few examples of so-called "Ukrainian tactical success."

I think, at that point, the Russians said, "Well, the game is up. We're not going to get any cooperation out the West.

The United States has effectively said they want to grind us into the dust."

They changed their operations.

They stopped fighting for particular cities.

They said, "We'll simply circle these places to the extent that we can.

While we cut those off or isolate them, we will then focus on major concentrations of Ukrainian forces."

Those large concentrations were always in the Donbas, and it has taken another three or four weeks to re-concentrate Russian forces to execute that mission and achieve that objective.

I think what we need to understand is that, at this point,

the notion that the Russians would negotiate with anybody about events in Ukraine is simply unrealistic.

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▶Politik der USA

▶Politik der Ukraine

▶Schweiz: Landesverteidigung, Armee, Landesversorgung ▶Armee: Schweiz


Sicherheitspolitische Lage der Schweiz




Krise um die Ukraine: Putin kritisiert «aggressive» USA und legt Forderungen für Sicherheitsgarantien vor

▶Politik der Ukraine

▶Politik von Russland

▶Politik der USA

▶Europäische Politik

▶Deutsche Politik

▶Neutralität: Schweiz ▶Schweiz: Neutralität

▶Schweiz: Landesverteidigung, Armee, Landesversorgung ▶Armee: Schweiz




Für eine glaubwürdige Armee zum Schutz unserer Bevölkerung




Landesverteidigung stärken statt Auslandhilfe aufblähen




Für eine starke Milizarmee




Wie weiter mit der Landesverteidigung?


Sicherheit durch Unabhängigkeit - Schluss mit neutralitätswidriger militärischer Kooperation


Ohne ernstfall-orientierte Führung keine ernstfall-taugliche Armee


Das Ziel heisst "Kriegsgenügen"




Die Schweiz in der Welt von heute


Der Armee-Auftrag

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▶Der Armee-Auftrag (Schweiz)


Das VBS - ein Sanierungsfall!




Für eine bedrohungsgerechte Milizarmee

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▶Für eine bedrohungsgerechte Milizarmee (Schweiz)


b Abschaffung der Armee

Nicht der gleichen Meinung / Does not agree / Pas d'accord


c Aktivdienst im Ausland
fr Service actif à l'étranger

de Nein zum Aktivdienst im Ausland
fr Non au service actif à l'étranger


d Armeereform
fr Réforme de l'armée

de Die Forderungen der SVP
fr Les exigences de l'UDC

de Konstanten der Geschichte - Konsequenzen für die Schweiz
fr L'histoire est un éternel recommencement - Conséquences pour la Suisse

de "kommandieren, kontrollieren, korrigieren"
fr "commander, contrôler, corriger"

de Die Bedrohung heisst Überraschung
fr La menace est dans la surprise

SVP fordert kriegsgenügende Armeeausbildung


e Milizsystem


f Flugzeugbeschaffung


g Raketen


h Nachrichtendienst