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⬆3. 2. 50 Ausschluss


3.2.50 Ausschluss und Maulkorb für Kritiker
en Exclusion of critics
fr Exclusion des critiques

Fragen/Questions  Was nach Corona? Fakten  / Standpunkte Ursachen Präsentationen

Einleitung  / Vernunft Mensch vs Sonne IPCC / Wikipedia Diskussion Manifeste

Auswirkungen Beobachtungen Eis‑ & Warmzeiten Klimamodelle Prognosen

  Wissenschaft Einfluss / Zyklen Fehler / Manipulationen Untergang / Desaster Entwarnung / Hoffnung
  Moral, Ethik  / Verbote Lebensstandard / Armut Biosphäre / Bioplanet Planet Erde / Treibhaus Energie / Ressourcen

Hinterfragen Sonne Wolken Temperatur CO₂

Schuld / Massnahmen Hysterie / Notstand Motivation / Macht Politogen / Ignoranz Diktatur / Ausschluss

Warm oder Kalt Klimaschutz Nachhaltigkeit Angst / Vorsorge Umweltschutz / Naturschutz

  2‑Grad Ziel Kipp‑Punkte Geschwindigkeit CO₂‑Steuer CO₂‑Handel
  Geo Engineering/CCS Green Climate Fund Transformation Gericht Gefahren  / Mortalität

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Exile for non-believers

Das passiert mit Kritikern des IPCC


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de Allgemein en General fr Générale

Lupe (Icon)) 
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      520 x 376 Pixel


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Exile for non-believers

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
      50 x 50 Pixel
Exile for non-believers
      481 x 646 Pixel

  • Joanne Nova
    2009-09-21 en Adobe PDF Dokument (Icon) 
      32 x 32 Pixel Exile for non-believers

    The price for speaking out against global warming is exile from your peers, even if you are at the top of your field.

    What follows is an example of a scientific group that not only stopped a leading researcher from attending a meeting, but then-without discussing the evidence-applauds the IPCC and recommends urgent policies to reduce greenhouse gases.

    What has science been reduced to if bear biologists feel they can effectively issue ad hoc recommendations on worldwide energy use?

    How low have standards sunk if informed opinion is censored, while uninformed opinion is elevated to official policy?

    If a leading researcher can't speak his mind without punishment by exile, what chance would any up-and-coming researcher have? As Mitchell Taylor points out "It's a good way tomaintain consensus".

    And so it is. But it's not science.

  • Watts Up With That? (Anthony Watts)
    2009-09-25 en Wandering the climate desert in exile

    My friend in Australia, Joanne Nova, has come up with an interesting essay on why it is so hard for many professional scientists to come out against climate consensus.

    In fact you might say in this case study it is un-bearable.

    Let the name of Moses be stricken from every book and tablet.

    Stricken from every pylon and obelisk of Egypt.

    Let the name of Moses be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of man, for all time.


Frage (Icon)
      51 x 51 Pixel

Das passiert mit Kritikern des IPCC

Ganzer Vortrag:
Vortrag des Geologen und "Kalte Sonne"-Autoren Dr. Sebastian Lüning, am 28.01.2019 bei der AfD-Fraktion im Bundestag
Video (Icon)
      50 x 50 Pixel Sebastian Luening: Wieviel Klimawandel macht der Mensch? (AfD-Fraktion Bundestag)

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
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      826 x 570 Pixel

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
      50 x 50 Pixel
      798 x 580 Pixel

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
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      817 x 572 Pixel

Lupe (Icon)) 
      24 x 24 Pixel Buch (Icon) 
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      825 x 570 Pixel